Friday, August 22, 2008

Baby Quotes Baby Sayings

Some Funny baby quotes and sayings..

Babies are such a nice way to start people. ~Don Herrold

A baby is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs increase. ~Author Unknown

The joy of having a baby today can only be expressed in two words: tax deduction.

A loud noise at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.
~Ronald Knox

Since people are going to be living longer and getting older, they'll just have to learn how to be babies longer.
~Andy Warhol

Families with babies and families without are so sorry for each other.
~ Ed Howe

Promises are like crying babies in a theater, they should be carried out at once.
~Norman Vincent Peale

Like a midwife, I make my living bringing new babies into the world, except that mine are new advertising campaigns.î
~ David Ogilvy

No one likes change but babies in diapers.
~Barbara Johnson

I didn't know how babies were made until I was pregnant with my fourth child.
~Loretta Lynn

Make no mistake about why these babies are here - they are here to replace us.
~Jerry Seinfeld

My mother says I didn't open my eyes for eight days after I was born, but when I did, the first thing I saw was an engagement ring. I was hooked.
~Elizabeth Taylor

If men had to have babies, they would only ever have one each.
~Princess Diana

Now the thing about having a baby - and I can't be the first person to have noticed this - is that thereafter you have it.
~ Jean Kerr

If you put a baseball and other toys in front of a baby, he'll pick up a baseball in preference to the others.
~Tris Speaker

I feel sure that unborn babies pick their parents.
~Gloria Swanson

Babies don't need a vacation but I still see them at the beach. I'll go over to them and say, 'What are you doing here, you've never worked a day in your life!'.
~Stephen Wright

Babies act out when they're hungry, cold, tired. They do this for survival.
~Marilu Henner

I can't think why mothers love them. All babies do is leak at both ends.
~Douglas Feaver

Diaper backward spells repaid. Think about it.
Marshall McLuhan
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